
SRJC Scholarship Office

New Scholarship Opportunity for Women in the field of science.  Click here for more information.

The Santa Rosa Junior College Foundation offers many scholarships to help students achieve their academic goals. The application period is from January 3rd to March 1st, 2017. Current students will have access to the application in the Student Portal.

Many of our full time instructors also mentor students who apply for an SRJC Teaching Fellows Award.

The Cuppoletti Malinowska Student Success Fund was created by Dr. John Cuppoletti, a former student of the Chemistry Department, and his wife Danuta H. Malinowska, with the on-going goal of supporting enrichment and educational opportunities for chemistry students at SRJC. Please contact the department if you require funding to attend a conference or develop an idea. We welcome your creativity!

Scholarships Available to Chemistry Transfer Students:

  • Courtenay W. Anderson Memorial Chemistry Scholarship
  • Ann and Henry K. Fujita Memorial Chemistry Scholarship
  • Gary Y. Fujita Memorial Chemistry Scholarship
  • Dr. Atlas Hembree Chemistry Scholarship
  • Thomas A. Jerrell Memorial Chemistry Scholarship
  • Robert Medley Memorial Chemistry Department Scholarship
  • Jason David Rolle Memorial Chemistry Scholarship
  • Galen G. George Chemistry Scholarship

Scholarship Available to Chemistry Continuing Students:

  • John Cuppoletti and Danuta H. Malinowska Chemistry Scholarship

Scholarships Available to Physics Students:

  • Engineering/Science Transferring Scholarship
  • Heath Physics Prize
  • Thomas A. Jerrell Memorial Engineering/Physics Scholarship
  • SRJC Engineering/Physics Department Memorial Scholarship
  • William and Violet Williams Scholarship